Circle of the Dragon's Crystal-Unfolding

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Expectations and Standards

Self-Responsibility and Self-Motivation
Ultimately each of us is responsible for our own speed of growth and learning. Everyone learns at their own pace and may find certain lessons challenging while others are easy. Because of this, your teacher may not know if you are having trouble, or if your interests lie in a direction that is not being fulfilled. Ask.
The answer might not always be what you'll like. Sometimes it will be, "not yet" sometimes "no and this is why" a
nd sometimes it will be the "yes" or "yes...and". Remember that "the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked".

The Unfolding Path is one of self-direction. Dedications, initiations and elevations come only when the recipient asks for them (assuming they are prepared) and not on any specified timetable.

In times of old, to be known as a witch or wysard could be a sentence of death. The birth of "craft names" came about not only because it helped those named work with the aspect involved, but also so that members might be anonymous and could not be identified by the waer-ligga ("oathbreakers" - from which comes the modern word "warlock") to the witch-hunters.
Hopefully situations in this modern age are not so dire, however discretion is still a wisdom. Even now, people can lose jobs or otherwise be put in danger if their religion is known to those unfriendly to the concept.
In essence, this means we do not reveal "names or numbers".
In public, address and introduce members of your group by their legal names not thier craft names, unless you have permission otherwise.
Do not out someone else, by announcing that they are a witch or a member of your circle/coven/group unless they have given prior permission.
If asked if someone is part of your group, or how many persons are in your group, prevaricate or just honestly say, "I'm not allowed to give out that sort of information."
Why do numbers matter? Because if you say, "there are five people in my coven," it's fairly easy to take note of the five folks who are together most of the time and calculate their identities.
If a non-member asks to be given introduction to your group, ask permission first. Your group may have a public spokesperson, who has already put forth their name as a contact person. (This will generally be a teacher or tradition elder.)

When in doubt, ask before revealing.
Covens vs. Teaching Circles
A coven is a bonded group of like-minded individuals who operate much like a family though (generally) without sex. Covens are often led by a high priest, a high priestess or both. Although they may guide the rest of the coven, important decisions (such as inviting new members) should usually be done by concensus.
A teaching circle may or may not be affiliated with a coven. The main purpose here is to teach and learn. In joining a teaching circle there is no promise of rank or membership into the coven. Covens may require membership in the teaching circle as part of their vetting process.
New covens may only be formed by a 2nd degree (or higher) member, under the aegis of a 3rd degree. However, with their teacher's permission, friendly members of the group may form duos or informal "circles" to learn and practice magick and ritual.
Teachers of 2nd degree or higher, wishing to spread the path, may form either covens or teaching circles, depending upon thier personal desires and the makeup of the group involved.
Homework is given for your personal growth, to help you incorporate the workings and beliefs of the Path into your own understanding. It is not about getting an A+ and there is no failure except when you don't do it, and that only a failure to yourself.
It is certainly a method that your teachers may use to understand your perspective and your grasp of any concepts taught, but it is not about pass/fail. However if you turn in nothing, that may preclude you from advancement.
When shared, your homework and that of other students may help enlighten each of you, so when asked to share, please do so. However if you are uncomfortable sharing, say so.
No one is too old, too wise or too high in rank to do without homework, at least on occasion.
Enjoy it! It will increase your own growth. Feel free to find new and innovative ways of expressing yourself and doing your homework. Depending on what is asked for, you may find that the best way to express it is as a crafted object, a song or poem, a play...or something else.

Is This A Test?

In the Unfolding philosophy, Life is itself a test. The purpose is not to "ace it" but to grow and evolve.
Be aware that as part of the Unfolding teaching method, your teacher may at any time be setting a test for you. You may not even realize it is a test. The Universe, the Dragon itself, will also set tests for you.
When in doubt, the answer is probably, "yes."

Use common courtesy. Try to make it common.

If you're a guest, bring a host-gift and offer to do the dishes.
If someone else is doing the hard work for your benefit, make an effort to lend a hand.
When in doubt, ask for permission.
Don't expect others to mind-read.
Say "please" and "thank you."
Mind your manners. Really we shouldn't have to explain this. :)
Perfect Love/Trust
Perfect Love and Trust are not merely the watchwords of the circle, but should ultimately become a way of life.
Perfect Love means caring about your fellow coveners/seekers even when your relationship with them is challenging. Remember that they are a spark of the Dragon just as you are, and that you are part of them and they part of you.
Perfect Trust requires honesty with both yourself and others, and remembering that none of us are perfect, but we are all perfect for the lessons we are experiencing right now.
Peace on the Circle
The circle is a powerful boundary that not only keeps out unwanted influences, but enhances and concentrates the energies within.
When you enter a sacred circle with anger or other unwanted emotions, those emotions can fill the circle and create more discomfortable reactions than would happen otherwise.
In the Unfolding Path we begin each ritual by asking if there is peace on the circle. If there is not, it is better to admit this and hash out the situation before ritual. If this means cancelling the ritual entirely, or one of the participants bowing out, it is better than circling while there is angst.

Ritual requires both physical and mental energy and can leave one feeling somewhat disconnected from the world and anywhere from "floaty" to "high". For several reasons it is imperative to be grounded after ritual, both to seal the effectiveness of the working and to provide physical safety. Driving ungrounded can be nearly as dangerous as driving drunk.
Although it is your personal responsibility to ground after a ritual, it is so imperative that it should also be a concern of the entire group and in particular anyone hosting.
Please don't let your fellow members go off ungrounded.
A few methods of grounding:

Eat food.
Touch the earth.
Hug a tree.
Take a dump. (Yes, we're serious.)
In the Unfolding Path we have two courses of study.
Priest (Initiations):
We define the word "priest" as servant. This is the religious/spiritual side of the path, where we place ourselves in service to the gods, our own growth and each other.
Seeker - The base learning stage, this is where you find out if the Unfolding Path feels right for you.
Dedicant/Novitiate - dedication in service to the Gods and your own growth within the Unfoding Path.
1st Degree - Priest to Self - a time of solidifying your own growth and preparing for leadership.
2nd Degree - Priest to the Circle - a time of leading your own circle and preparing for greater stretching.
3rd Degree - Priest to the Community - pretty much says it.
4th Degree (Honorific) - Priest to the Dragon (attained by parenting a daughter-coven).
Wysard (Elevations):
Wysardry is the magickal side of our studies. Although we are magickal in our appoach to spirituality and spiritual in our magickal workings, it is this side of our path that is founded in Druidry, ceremonial magick and the Court Magicians of Europe going back many centuries.
1st through 4th. Each elevation requires mastery of 5 of the 20 arts and sciences. The first 5 are set, after which you may study them in any order you and your teacher choose.
In the Unfolding Path, a Priest (or witch) may rise to any level. If they choose to study wysardry, they may not be elevated to a level higher than their degree, and first degree must come before first elevation.
As with most things in Unfolding, you must ask for initiation and elevation. There is no set time-table though a year (at least) between each initiation is standard.
The Unfolding Path may or may not be for you. Initiation is not guaranteed. Wysardry is doubly not guaranteed. However you may find that this path is the one for you, and if so, well come.
Announcement of Affiliation
Until such time as you are initiated into the Unfolding Path as a first degree, you may not state that you are a "member of the Unfolding Path". You may say that you are a "dedicant" (if such is the case) or a seeker to the Path.
All are equal in the circle. Degrees and elevations are an acknowledgement that someone has undergone a certain amount of learning and growth. That doesn't make them "better" or "more perfect" than any other. All of us are undergoing lessons of growth and understanding at every time. At the same time, basic respect for those higher in rank is advisable, if for nothing else, common courtesy.

Leaders of covens or groups should remember to "lead from behind," as those who follow can as easily break from the group and reform under another. The ideal coven should be a mostly concensus process, with the HP/SS only making the final decision when perfect agreement is impossible.

Love, Sex and the Three-Circle Rule
One of the side results of magick is that it tends to enhance sexual energy between members of the group. In the interest of being sure that any sexual tension is the result of true compatibility rather than the left-over energy of the circle, we ask that you obey the Three-Circle Rule.
In other words, if you find yourself attracted to someone, wait till you have been with them through at least three rituals before sleeping with them.
If you're already in a relationship, of course, this advice is moot.
Additionally, because of the fact that the power structures of teacher and student are not conducive to a healthy love relationship, it is advisable that members of a committed relationship not be teachers for one another if there is someone else who can take the student.
While we're at it, starting a love relationship with one's student is inadvisable at best.
On another but similar subject, when at all possible, female teachers should teach male students and vise versa. This is based not on sexism, but on the lore of magnetic attraction. However make no mistake, the Unfolding Path does not ever discriminate in favor of heterosexuality. All acts of love and pleasure are the Goddess's rituals.
And one more point. You should not EVER be expected to partake unwillingly in sex during a ritual or to get initiated. If you are ever made to feel uncomfortable, run screaming and talk to an elder.

Assume Good Motive

Few people if any, want to be "bad" or unliked. Most people, even if they are not acting or expressing themselves in the most "evolved" manner have a good desire at heart. Therefore assume that the other party is trying to be good, even when they are not effective at it.
If you have a problem with someone in your group PLEASE communicate. Take them aside after class or otherwise privately and sit down and express your feelings in as honest, open and gentle a manner as possible.
Remember that you may not be entirely "right" and that the goal, is not necessarily to be friends, but at the least, not to be enemies, and to find a method of peaceful coexistence.
Be willing to listen as well as speak.
Try saying, "yes, and" rather than "but".
Also be aware that the most common causes of misunderstanding are assuming that someone has bad motive, being annoyed at some facet of yourself that is reflected in the other person or being annoyed at some aspect of that person which reminds you of a past wound.
Respect Difference
Nobody is the same as you. Nobody does things, believes things or experiences the Dragon in exactly the same way as you do. Allow for this and honor your chance to gain a new perspective into the mystery that is the All.
If at any time you find yourself in conflict with another member, and do not feel able to talk to them directly, PLEASE DO ask for help in mediation.

Mediators, please understand that your job is not to pass judgement or to side with a friend, but to encourage both parties to communicate effectively.
The Three-Complaint Rule
One of the challenges in groups is that politics and drama are certain to rear their heads. All one has to do is put three people (even two) in a room, and politics will happen. This is not essentially a bad thing. One can use "political" sway to get another to aid them in a good cause or to encourage them to grow and learn.
However, when politics devolves into drama over disagreements in personal relationships it can be unbalancing and harmful to the group as well as to those at odds. Over many years and many challenges, we have found that the healthiest way of dealing with any intra-personal challenge is to directly confront the person you're having a challenge with.
People, being people, though, they often find themselves "politicking" others to support their cause.
Therefore we have instituted the Three-Complaint Rule. Herewith:
If within the course of one moon cycle, you complain to another member of the group on three occasions or more about a challenge you are having with another member of the group, they may assign you "homework" in regards to dealing with the person you are having troubles with.
That homework may include asking you to address that person regarding your concerns, mediation, meditation, or whatever else they feel will help both parties come to a healthier understanding of their issue.

No one, regardless of "rank" is immue. A seeker/novitiate may assign this homework to a high priest/ess and vice versa, if such is deemed necessary.