Circle of the Dragon's Crystal-Unfolding

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Forum moderator: Lemur, Nyt, ModernMage  
Forum » Open Forums » Questions About Unfolding » Unfolding FAQ
Unfolding FAQ
LemurDate: Friday, 2011-11-25, 6:33 PM | Message # 1
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Group: Administrators
Messages: 454
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Here are some of the common questions we've been asked about the Unfolding Path:

What a silly name - what does it mean?

Sounds like origami in reverse, huh? The Unfolding Path or the Circle Unfolding is short for "The Circle of the Dragon's Crystal Unfolding." "Crystal Unfolding" is a term that signifies "perfect growth" such as that of a crystal - it is not necessarily evenly formed, the facets may be of different sizes, but it grows in perfect structure with the master plan of the universe, what we call "the Dragon." The structure is already there, but not yet seen, and as we unfold we reveal ourselves in all our beauty, strength and purity.

What is your lineage?
Unfolding is an offshoot of the Draconian Path, which itself draws from three, much older traditions, Welsh-Celtic, Celtic Traditional, and Wysardn.

Did you say dragons? I'm really interested in dragons. Is this the path for me?
Only you can answer that question. Regarding dragons, although some of us have dragon totems or otherwise work with dragon-spirit energies, when we speak of the Dragon, we are not talking about those entities. The Dragon is the Cosmic All, and includes you, me, the electrons on this page, the warm cup of tea on my desk as I write this, a child, waking up and asking for a glass of water, many miles away from here, beyond my conscious knowledge. And many other things.

What is the emphasis of your path?
We emphasize balance (both magickal and spiritual), empowerment of self and others, personal responsibility, and priestly service to the community at large. In addition we place a large value on ethical action, creativity and individual freedom. Our path tends to be a scholarly one, taking magick and looking at its many facets to gain knowledge and understanding, while maintaining a celebratory and loving attitude towards each other and the gods. We tend towards being more Apollonian (and somewhat ceremonial) than Dionysian in our worship; though we are open to revelry, and we remember that "laughter is music to the ears of the gods."

How does your tradition differ from others?
Our view of the Dragon is not common with many other traditions. We see the God and Goddess (in all their aspects) as parts of the Dragon, in It's duality of male and female, and we see these two deities as equal and balanced. We are pantheistic, finding sparks of the Dragon within all things, and reverencing all Nature as divine.

So are you Wiccan?
Although we have grown partially from Wicca, we find that we seem to be evolving into something slightly different.

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
LemurDate: Friday, 2011-11-25, 6:33 PM | Message # 2
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Group: Administrators
Messages: 454
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline

So why call It the Dragon then? Why not just say "the All?"

Well, sometimes we may, but giving It a name helps us relate to Its process. Why use Dragon? First, it's the archetype used by the ancient Celts from which our path is drawn. Dragons as a totem are about personal power, Mystery, the hidden treasure within each of us, ancient wisdoms. Because they are mythological beings, they add a dimension of non-ordinaryness. Not that ordinary things aren't the Dragon - they certainly are - but that even in the ordinary, we can look deeper and see more. In honesty, we could just as well name the Cosmic All the "Great Branmuffin, " and that wouldn't change It - but it might change the way we relate to It. Minister and folksinger Fred Small (a Unitarian, not an Unfolding) has written a sermon which beautifully sums up our idea of the Dragon in A Different God. It is our desire to revere, celebrate and support the Dragon within each of us, as we grow toward re-union with our divine selves.

What pantheon and deities do you work with?

We relate to the Dragon as the All, and work with it in that form. However it's sometimes challenging to relate directly to Something that is everything, and so we revere the God and Goddess as the duality of Life, the two major halves of the Dragon.

Beyond the Goddess and God, we further divide each into 4 aspects, aligned with the elements and the 4 phases of the Moon and seasons. The Goddess is Maiden, Mother, Matron (warrior-like defender of the hearth), and Crone. The God is Lover, Father, Warrior and Hunter.

Beyond that, the aspect that most suits is a personal choice for the witch/wysard. Some of us work Celtic, some Norse, and some other pantheons, including Greek and Egyptian. We feel it's important to follow your own inner wisdom, and the call of whichever of the Gods wishes to work with you, and to recognize that all deities are facets of the Dragon.

Where can I read more about your tradition?
At present there are no published writings on the Path other than what appears on this site. There likely will not be. Our tradition is fairly new, and we also believe that our teachings work best when there is interaction between student and teacher. Our teachings are not for mass-consumption and rely strongly on the ability of the teacher to guide the student through growth and challenge, and the student's desire and ability to transform themselves and their world.

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
LemurDate: Friday, 2011-11-25, 6:34 PM | Message # 3
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Group: Administrators
Messages: 454
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline

Why are your elements in the wrong place?

Well, for us, they're in the right place. We place our elements on alchemical principles. Fire follows the Sun. Thus, when the Sun is in the east (midnight-noon), this is where we place it in our circles. When the Sun is in the west (noon-midnight), so is fire. Water, being the alchemical opposite of Fire, is where ever Fire is not. Earth, is solidly in the north, with it's opposite, Air, in the south.

Why don't you hold sabbats on the traditional dates?

Our quarter sabbats (solstices and equinoxes) are the normal ones. Our cross-quarters are determined astrologically. Originally the cross-quarters occurred at 15 degrees of the fixed signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo), however somewhere along the line, they got tied to specific calendrical dates. We merely use the original astrological ones.

Isn't all that confusing?
For some, particularly those new to the tradition. Once you get used to it, it makes perfect sense. The only ones who seem to have a challenge are those who are working more than one path, or who teach interdenominational magick in the outside world.

Why do you guys always wear black? It's so spooky.
No, it's actually quite stylish.
Well, we don't always. Black is the color for novitiate robes. Others of us may wear other colors. In the past we have often worn black for For public sabbats regardless of rank or title, as it promotes the realization that in the circle, all are equal, and looks nicely uniform. Black is a color of absorption and thus represents the student's openness to knowledge. It is also the Void from which we evolve toward Light. As for spooky, we can deal with that <G>.

Are all the rumors I heard about you folks true?
Yes. No. Maybe.

How can I join the Circle Unfolding?

You can find information on becoming a seeker on this forum.

Will you teach me?

How often should I ask?
Heh heh heh.

Where are your teachers?

At present, we have a teacher in Orlando, FL and another in S. Colorado.

If you're near Phoenix, AZ or Colombus, OH, we may also be able to put you in touch with Draconian friends.

Do you REALLY dance naked through the woods?

Don't you?

Exactly what is this Device I keep hearing about?

Where can I find other websites on the Unfolding Path?

At present writing, there are none.

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
Forum » Open Forums » Questions About Unfolding » Unfolding FAQ
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